I left the United States one year ago today to embark on an epic trip.
This picture above is the very first picture I snapped. It was in Barcelona. The sky was beautiful. I remember it well. Since this photo was taken, I have edited down my trip collection to just under 9,000 images which means I probably actually took triple that if you include all the images I have deleted since. Wow.
A year has gone by and I have seen so much, felt so much, and so much has changed. The world was my oyster and I was illuminated. Then life stepped in.
While we were in the Thai Islands I got word that my mother would be going through chemotherapy for lung cancer. I made the decision to go back to LA to be with her during the duration of the treatment. I left from Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam and consequently Rick and I decided to part ways. I thank you in advance for your understanding in this private matter as both of these decisions were made with a heavy heart.
So what does this mean?
I am currently in LA plotting my next nomadic adventure and hope to be back on the road in a few months when I take on Indonesia and Australia on my own. I will still maintain this blog with plenty of travel content so have no fear, I have a lot up my sleeve. Nomadic-Habit is entering a new phase and I am so excited for what’s to come!
And hey, if you are in LA, reach out. I’m available for photo work (and coffee).
Check out my photography site here and don't forget to follow me on instagram.
What a difference a year makes.
Life. You can’t even escape it when you are off escaping it.
I started this post with the first picture of the trip, and now for my last.
To everyone that has supported me through this tough time, your love is invaluable. Thank you so very much.