The morning I was leaving for Jakarta I woke to an email from Fransisca Angela. She had stumbled across my interview on Need Supply and saw that I was coming to Indonesia. As a freelance photographer, she offered up her tour guide services to show me around Jakarta. I happily obliged. After viewing her website and portfolio, I knew I was in good hands. Jakarta has always been a city in passing when I've previously visited Indonesia and I really felt like I didn't know Jakarta. I was eager for the grand tour.
She picks me up at 7:30am and we end up spending the entire day together. I'm splitting up the adventure into two posts because there are just too many amazing photos from the day. She said after reviewing my blog, she thought I'd love Petak 9 Market which is sort of like the Chinatown. of Jakarta. Upon arriving, I knew this was a girl after my own heart. My camera was in pure bliss. The narrow alleys were ripe with photo opportunities and lovely, lovely people.
It was for the first time, that I felt like I was really getting to know Jakarta and the locals. Fransisca brought me through the alleys with ease, connecting with people along the way. She took me to Bakmi Gang Kemenangan, known for the best noodles in the area and I was loving hanging out at the table with the locals. I was moved by the honesty and warm nature of the people. Having traveled extensively with camera in hand, I was more than pleased to find the people so willing and excited to have their picture taken. Petak 9 was only the first stop of the day. Just wait until you see where else we went!
Photo below by Fransisca Angela.