After Tasikmalaya, my sister and I flew to Bali to meet her boyfriend and his brother. Brother/sister adventure! We spent just a few days there before we flew to Lombok. Since we returned to Bali after some island hopping, I'm going to do all Bali posts together and dive right into Lombok. First of all, Lombok is much less developed than Bali. We stayed in the south in Kuta and I was immediately drawn to the wild feel of Lombok. It lacked the dense tourism of Bali and proved to have the most amazing beaches! What's the best way to see Lombok? Scooter of course. We rented two scooters to explore the southern beaches and survived without a scratch. Phew. Here's day 1!
We headed to Mawun Beach which was about a 30 minute ride. The drive proved to be fantastic! Hilly, empty, and all together beautiful. Once arriving, we found only a few tourists on the beach and crystal clear waters. It was incredible. I walked to one end of the beach where there was a tiny fishing village and lucky me, I caught them as they were just arriving back from sea, nets full of fish.
After spending the morning in near paradise, we went further west to check out Selong Blanak Beach. Beware, the roads to this beach are a bit more treacherous, so scooter riders beware! Though dusty and bumpy, the ride is 100% worth it.
So the day ended with buffalo on the beach, a sore bum from bumpy roads, and a glowing tan. Day 1 in Lombok was absolutely incredible and I couldn't wait to do a little more exploring.